Trask Turbo

Frequently Asked Questions

Twin-CAM Turbo FAQ's

Where does my Trask 2 Bar Map Sensor Plug into?
The Factory map sensor is located between the cylinders, next to the throttle bodies. Your Trask 2 bar map sensor will plug into the factory wiring harness plug. This will eliminate the usage of the factory map sensor. Leave the factory map sensor installed to keep the hole plugged. On 2008 and up bikes there will be a little wiring needed to hook up the 2 bar map sensor. There are instructions supplied when a map sensor is ordered, or you can contact Trask Performance Technical Support.

Do I need to do anything to my clutch?
Our turbo systems are supplied with a heavy-duty Barnett clutch spring. It is the the only necessary modification needed when installing a low-power turbo kit. With a high-boost system, however, will require modifications. If unsure, please contact us, and we will be happy to help.

Why is my bike smoking out of the tailpipe?
Be sure to check the drain-back oil line from the turbo, into the engine. If that line gets restricted for any reason, this will allow too much oil to collect in the turbo and will pass by the seal, where it will escape as smoke. Another cause of this issue is an overfilled crankcase. If the crankcase is overfilled, it will allow oil to be circulated into the breather of the plenum, then collect in the air filter. When enough oil collects in the air filter, it will be sucked through by the turbo and thus cause the engine to burn oil, producing smoke. If both of these issues have been ruled out, and there still is an issue; please contact us ASAP so we can solve your problem.

Why is my turbo system no longer producing significant boost?
Be sure to check and clean the air filter, a clogged air filter will not supply enough air flow to the turbo. Another issue is lack of exhaust flow, be sure to check the exhaust for obstructions. If both of these have been examined and fixed, but there is still an issue; please contact us ASAP, as the issue may be more serious.

Why is there large amounts of oil accumulating in my air filter?

While oil accumulation in the air filter is normal for a Harley-Davidson engine, if there is a profuse amount oil in the filter -almost to the point where it may drip out- an issue is present. Be sure to check the drain-back oil line from the turbo back into the engine. If this line is restricted, too much oil will collect in the turbo and cause leakages. If an engine is turned off with this problem, the oil built up in the turbo will run out into the filter and cause leakage.

With the turbo installed, I hear a clicking or tapping noise at idle, has something happened?
No, not at all. The noise that you are hearing is simply just the Blow-Off Valve pulsing with the strokes of the engine. This is normal operation.

Does my bike need a different type of oil now that it has a turbo installed?
Fortunately, you can continue to run the 20w 50 full synthetic oil you have always used. This oil is optimal for both the engine and the turbo. To keep top performance, be sure to change the oil every 2000 to 2500 miles. Make sure not to overfill.

I would like to run my bike at the track, do I need to do anything?
Running your bike at the track can be a great time, if your bike is well prepared. We highly recommend running at least 100 octane racing fuel. Other than that, that is all you will need to enjoy your bike at the track!

I’d like to increase my boost a little for the track, how can I do that?

If you want to increase your boost, it will need to be done mechanically on the actuator itself, or you can purchase a boost controller. Please give us a call so we can walk you through this process.

Should I have my bike Dyno Tuned?
Trask Performance highly recommends having your bike tuned by a reputable tuning company (the system will be only as good as the tune). If using a ThunderMax and 2 bar map sensor that was preloaded by us, you can get away with not Dyno tuning the bike.

I was told to let my bike idle after running it, do I really need to do this?
Yes. After riding your turbo bike, do not shut off the engine right away, let the engine idle for about 20 seconds or so. This will allow for the oil to cool the turbo thoroughly, resulting in a longer life for your turbo.


Where does my Trask 2 Bar Map Sensor Plug into?
The Factory V-Rod map sensor is located between the cylinders next to the throttle bodies. Your Trask 2 bar map sensor will plug into the factory wiring harness plug. This will eliminate the usage of the factory map sensor. Leave the factory map sensor installed to keep the hole plugged.

Do I need to do anything to my clutch?
The supplied clutch springs need to be installed or clutch failure may ensue. On 2007 and earlier models, the clutch used 5 springs. The 2008 and later models used a 4-spring slipper clutch. Your Turbo System is supplied with 5 100lb upgraded springs, so the stock clutch will be able to hold the the additional horsepower without slippage. While each kit will come with 5 springs, it is safe to omit the 5th spring on ’08 and newer models.

Why does my bike idle rough after the turbo install?
If your bike is idling rough after the install of your Trask Turbo System, a majority of the time it is an air intake leak. To check if you have an air intake leak, remove the tank panel, start the motorcycle, and firmly press down onto the plenum assembly. If the tone of the engine changes and the idle smooths out, then the seal on the intake boots to the plenum need to be checked. If this doesn’t solve the issue, simply loosen all bolts, push down onto the plenum, and re-tighten the clamps. If this issue still persists after these tests, please contact us and we will be happy to get this fixed.

Why is my bike smoking out of the tailpipe?
Be sure to check the drain-back oil line from the turbo, into the engine. If that line gets restricted for any reason, this will allow too much oil to collect in the turbo and will pass by the seal, where it will escape as smoke. Another cause of this issue is an overfilled crankcase. If the crankcase is overfilled, it will allow oil to be circulated into the breather of the plenum, then collect in the air filter. When enough oil collects in the air filter, it will be sucked through by the turbo and thus cause the engine to burn oil, producing smoke. If both of these issues have been ruled out, and there still is an issue; please contact us ASAP so we can solve your problem.

Why is there large amounts of oil accumulating in my air filter?

While oil accumulation in the air filter is normal for a Harley-Davidson engine, if there is a profuse amount oil in the filter -almost to the point where it may drip out- an issue is present. Be sure to check the drain-back oil line from the turbo back into the engine. If this line is restricted, too much oil will collect in the turbo and cause leakages. If an engine is turned off with this problem, the oil built up in the turbo will run out into the filter and cause leakage.

Why is my air filter hitting my radiator shroud?
The air filter is at an angle, but may prove to not to be steep enough to clear the radiator shroud on certain motorcycles. Simply put a piece of 3M electrical tape on the shroud, to prevent wear of the shroud’s finish. We are still in the process of getting another air filter designed with a better angle to clear the shroud.

With the turbo installed, I hear a clicking or tapping noise at idle, has something happened?
No, not at all. The noise that you are hearing is simply just the Blow-Off Valve pulsing with the strokes of the engine. This is normal operation.

I am getting what looks like a small rust streak down the turbo cartridge, what is this?
This is from condensation building on the oil feed fitting and oil feed line and dripping on the center section of the turbo due from going from cold to hot cold to hot. The center sections are coated with heat paint to fix this issue, purchase a can of VHT 2000° flat black spray paint mask and touch up the desired area.

Do I need to change or what kind of oil do I need to run in my bike now that it has a turbo on it?
This is simply condensation forming on the oil feed fitting and oil feed line dripping on the center section of the turbo. This is due to the temperature and pressure differences that occur in that part of the system. The center sections are coated with heat-resistant paint to solve this problem. For touch ups, we recommend VHT 2000º flat black paint.

I would like to run my bike at the track, do I need to do anything?
Running your bike at the track can be a great time, if your bike is well prepared. We highly recommend running at least 100 octane racing fuel. Other than that, that is all you will need to enjoy your bike at the track!

I’d like to increase my boost a little for the track, how can I do that?

If you want to increase your boost, it will need to be done mechanically on the actuator itself, or you can purchase a boost controller. Please give us a call so we can walk you through this process.

Should I have my bike Dyno Tuned?
Trask Performance highly recommends having your bike tuned by a reputable tuning company (the system will be only as good as the tune). If using a ThunderMax and 2 bar map sensor that was preloaded by us, you can get away with not Dyno tuning the bike.

I was told to let my bike idle after running it, do I really need to do this?
Yes. After riding your turbo bike, do not shut off the engine right away, let the engine idle for about 20 seconds or so. This will allow for the oil to cool the turbo thoroughly, resulting in a longer life for your turbo.

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